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Language Asset Management

We believe that the key to your long-term success lies in using professional translators and leading-edge software to identify key terminology and document your content experience, with the end result being optimized glossaries and style guides that deliver quality content.

Translation Memory

We create and manage translation memory (TM) databases for every project that comes through our door. Our clients remain the sole owners of these databases and can access them at any time and from any location. In addition, our Argos TMS system allows us to store and share translation memories with linguists as well as with a client’s other language suppliers.

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Terminology Management

As part of our standard translation services, we create terminology databases and develop glossaries for each client and project. We provide our clients with access to a wide range of terminology management tools and provide best practice guidelines for our client to follow to ensure their terminology database is constantly updated and is of high quality.

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Style Guides

A style guide helps give your brand consistent material that is optimized for your target markets. At Argos, our style guides carefully document our standards for creating equivalents of English source files in local languages. This ensures accuracy by helping our in-country reviewers to edit effectively, while also making it easy for us to maintain information about the style, voice, and tone you expect.

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